Electromagnetic Vibrating Feeder

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Electromagnetic vibrating feeder has wide market stimulated by the fierce competition in crushing field; it is used to send materials from storage bin or other storage device to the receiving hopper evenly; it is necessary equipment for routine automation operation, with open type and and enclosed type.

Electromagnetic Vibrating Feeder

Performance characteristics of vibrating feeder

Small volume, light weight, simple structure, convenient installation, easy maintenance, low operating cost.

Working principle of ultrasonic vibrating feeder

Electromagnetic vibrating feeder uses mechanical vibration resonance principle and double plastid works under low critical near resonance state. Materials in feeder trough are successively thrown up in feeding process, and jump forward in line of parabolic trajectory.
Control system of this series sieve shaker machine adopts silicon controlled rectifier half-wave rectifier circuit, so that customers can adjust feeding quantity conveniently by adjusting the angle of thyristor opening, and realize centralized control and automatic control of production process.

Installation of vibrating feeder

In general, electromagnetic vibrating feeder adopts hanging installation; hanger rods should be installed on object with sufficient rigidity; in order to reduce lateral oscillation of electromagnetic vibration feeder, hanging suspenders should be set outwardly with about 10 °. For larger feeders, for ease maintenance and replacement of tank, we'd better set the moving carriages. Electromagnetic vibrating feeder tank can be installed horizontally or aslant.

GZ1 5 60
GZ2 10 150
GZ3 25 200
GZ4 50 450
GZ5 100 650

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